
GRANGEX: Updated DFS confirming viability to produce high-grade iron ore at Dannemora

Analys, Research

The announcement of the updated DFS for Dannemora showed, as expected, higher CAPEX and OPEX compared to the FS announced in December 2022,...

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PROLIGHT: SEK 17m UK grant a welcome external validation

Analys, Research

Prolight’s report for Q1’24 did not reveal any particular surprises. The positive SEK 5.6m revision to the FY’23 result stemming from...

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AGTIRA: Mixed start to pivotal 2024

Analys, Research

As announced already in February, capacity utilization and turnover in Q1 were weighed down by the plant disease in Härnösand, with a...

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NANEXA: Insights from CMD underscore near- to mid-term opportunities with significant potential

Analys, Research

Apart from a slight further delay in the start of Phase I with NEX-22, the report for Q1’24 proved rather uneventful. The subsequent CMD...

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GRANGEX: Striking renegotiation of Sydvaranger acquisition setting GRANGEX up for an eventful 2024

Analys, Research

With a striking renegotiation of the final purchase agreement for Sydvaranger, reducing the initial payment from USD 1+19m to USD 1+0.5m,...

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MOTION DISPLAY: Another strong quarter confirming that MODI has turned the corner

Analys, Research

MODI reported sales growth in Q1’24 of 31%, confirming that the strong momentum seen in H2’23 carried into 2024. Along with a 4ppt...

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CRUNCHFISH: Broadening of scope to all offline credentials

Analys, Research

Johan Widmark | 2024-05-03 12:00  READ FULL REPORT IN PDF HERE Following the app-integrated offline payments with Digital Cash, and recent...

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TALLINK: Satisfactory start of the year


RESEARCH COLLABORATION WITH ENLIGHT RESEARCH  Even excluding positive one-offs, the start of the year was satisfactory as Q1 is a...

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PROLIGHT: Important milestone amidst mixed news flow

Analys, Research

There has been a somewhat mixed news flow from Prolight after the close of Q1’24. The finalization of the cartridge design to be used on...

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CRUNCHFISH: Major TAM expansion with broadening to secure and scalable mobile card payments

Analys, Research

Johan Widmark | 2024-03-27 12:00  READ FULL REPORT IN PDF HERE With the broadening of its Digital Cash technology to support secure...

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